

Within its publishing activities, the Archive of Serbia published more than 240 different publications.

The publishing of the Archive of Serbia comprises issuance of scientific and information materials on archives, collections of documents and the selected archive materials, exhibition catalogues, reprints of documents, multimedia presentations, collections of conference papers, monographs and periodic publications.
Important international projects of the Archive of Serbia include a joint project of the Archive of Serbia and the Main Archive Administration of the City of Moscow Главне архивске управе града Москве, comprising research and publication of materials from the Russian and Serbian archives about the deep and comprehensive relations between the two states in clerical, diplomatic, military, cultural, economic and social links and relations. The fruit of that cooperation are collections of archive materials Moskva – Srbija, Beograd – Rusija. Društveno-političke i kulturne veze XVI–XX vek. Four volumes were published in this series: Vol. I 16-18 century. (2009), Vol. II 1804–1878 (2011), Vol. III 1878–1917 (2013) and Vol. IV 1917–1945 (2017).
On the occasion of marking a centenary of World War I, in 2014, the Archive of Serbia launched a project of publishing several volumes of collections Prvi svetski rat. U dokumentima Arhiva Srbije. Volume I comprises 842 documents from the funds and collections of the Archive of Serbia referring to 1914. Volume II with 659 documents chronologically overs the period January - July 1915, and the Volume III is focused on the events in the period August – December 1915 and comprises 877 documents. The preparation of collections of documents on the events of 1916, 1917 and 1918 are ongoing.
Publishing activities of the Archives of Serbia over the past years are developing intensively and diversifying by issuing documents in several series.

In the series Istorija srpske diplomatije. Dokumenta, the editions resulting from the work of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Serbia in Trieste were published (Generalni konzulat Kraljevine Srbije u Trstu 1884–1914), the Legation of Serbia in Constantinople (Diplomatsko predstavnišvo Srbije u Carigradu, Vo. I, 1830–1858, and Vol. II 1859–1868), the Legation of the Kingdom of Serbia in Rome (Poslanstvo Kraljevine Srbije u Rimu 1882–1902), the Consulate of the Kingdom of Serbia in Serez (Коnzulat Kraljevine Srbije u Serezu 1897–1900), the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Serbia in Thessaloniki (Generalni konzulat Kraljevine Srbije in Thessaloniki 1887–1902), the Legation of the Kingdom of Serbia in London (Poslanstvo Kraljevine Srbije u Londonu 1881–1895, Vol. I, 1881–1890 and Vol. II, 1891–1895), the Legation of the Kingdom of Serbia in St. Petersburg (Poslanstvo Kraljevine Srbije u Petrogradu 1879–1888, Vol. I,), the Legation of Serbia in Vienna (Diplomatsko predstavništvo Srbije u Beču 1874–1877, Vol. I) and the Legation of the Kingdom of Serbia in Berlin (Poslanstvo Kraljevine Srbije u Berlinu 1881–1902). Collections of documents on the activities of royal Serbian legations in Athens, Sofia, Paris and the royal-Serbian consulates in Skopje and Bitola are in preparatory phase.
The series Vizuelna istorija comprises editions with photographs from the Balkan Wars 1912-1913 taken by Samson Chernov (Balkanski ratovi. Foto-zapis Samsona Černova), the photographs related to Serbia and the Serbs taken during the World War I (Srbija i Srbi u Prvom svetskom ratu 1914–1916. Fotomonografija) and the photographs of Aleksandar I Karađorđević (Aleksandar I Karađorđević . Fotomonografija).
Biblioteka Podsećanja was launched in 2014 with the aim of marking anniversaries of birth or death of exceptional authors whose works pertain to the durable cultural and spiritual heritage of Serbia by special annual publications. The documents from the fonds and collections are presented in exhibitions organised in the courtyard of the Archive of Serbia. The publications of the initial five editions include collections of documents dedicated to: Branislav Nušić, Đorđe Popović Daničar, Stevan Mokranjac and Jovan Skerlić (first edition, 2014); MIhailo Valtrović, Jovan Cvijić , Milorad Pavlović Krpa and Ljubomir Jovanović (second edition, 2015); Jovan Žujović, Nikola Pašić , Kosta Cukić and Jovan Sterija Popović (third edition, 2016); Milovan Đ. Glišić, Radomir Putnik, Dragiša Lapčević and Jaša Prodanović (fourth edition, 2017); MIhailo Gavrilović, MIhailo Petrović Alas, Živojin М. Perić and Pavle Popović (fifth edition, 2018). The sixth edition of Biblioteke Podsećanja was published in 2018 to mark 120th anniversary of founding the Archive of Serbia and it is dedicated to the documents related to the work of its four administrators: Božidar Prokić, Rista Odavić, Đurđe Jelenić and Aleksandar Arnautović.
The series Dokumenta službi bezbednosti includes two editions. The first one includes the list of persons convicted because of Cominform (Zatočenici Golog Otoka. Registar lica osuđivanih zbog Informbiroa). The second includes documents on political immigrants from Zugoslavia to the Soviet Union during the conflict on Cominform (Između dve otadžbine. Jugoslovenski politički emigranti u Sovjetskom Savezu 1948–1956).
The series Mala biblioteka Arhiva Srbije now boasts four editions. The first one represents a collection of documents about the history of diplomatic relations, cultural and social links between the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Spain (Kraljevina Srbija i Kraljevina Španija. Dokumenti (El Reino de Serbia y El Reino de Espana. Documentos)). The history and the development of the Serbian Literary Cooperative may be followed on the basis of a special edition dedicated to the documents on the operation of that institution and published on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of its founding (Srpska književna zadruga 1892–191). The three volumes in the series present a collection of popular proverbs collected by Rista Odavić, administrator of the State Archive 1924-1925 (Narodne poslovice vol. 1-3). The fourth book is dedicated to the documents about the history of cultural, trade and diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Serbia and the United States of America, with special emphasis on aid, cooperation and alliance in the World War I (Kraljevina Srbija i Sjedinjene Američke Države. Dokumenta. (Kingdom of Serbia and United States of America. Documents)).
On the occasion of 120th anniversary of its foundation, the Archives of Serbia started a series Istorija Arhiva Srbije (History of the Archives of Serbia) within the scope of which it publishes editions dedicated to its own history and development of archival science and archival services. The series consists of separate volumes dedicated to the history of the institution, forming of archival funds, researchers and exhibitions of the Archives of Serbia.